Congratulations, you just completed your credentialing with all the appropriate insurance companies! Your reward? You have to do it all over again...sometimes every year!
Once your provider or facility is approved to be in-network with an insurance company, this does not stick for life!
If you are an individual, you must attest to your CAQH accounts quarterly and maintain an accurate NPI profile. Also, you must fill out new applications to remain in-network with all desired insurance companies when it comes time to renew your credentials.
If you are representing a facility, you will need to prove your maintenance of the accreditation status, keep your licensing renewed, and fill out new applications periodically to remain in-network with insurance companies.
When you partner with NovaCred Credentialing, you are working with the very best in the credentialing industry.
As a fully-remote US-based team, we have the ability to be available to providers and facilities across the nation. When a provider is weighing the options between figuring out credentialing themselves, hiring a full-time (or even part-time) staff member to handle it, or choosing our entire team of experts, the choice is a no-brainer!
With NovaCred Credentialing, once you pay your annual one-time fee, our team will handle all contracting and credentialing tasks for your organization.